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The answer from the Mission to the World. Ответ из MTW
Ukraine Tax situation

Dear Mr. Birkus:
My name is Bill Goodman and I am the Director of Field Operations for Mission to the World. Dr. Kooistra and I discussed your recent letter sent to him and I have been asked to respond on his behalf.
First, thank you very much for expressing your concerns about how the taxes are being handled. We share your desire for what is right and honors our Lord. We are thankful that you are so committed to seeing God glorified.
We have been assured that the recently organized Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Ukraine is working to resolve this issue. As you probably know, Mission to the World will continue to work in Ukraine as a partner to the new denomination and also under its authority. We are confident that they will arrive at a just decision to address the tax issue and we are praying to that end.
Grace and peace,
Bill Goodman
Director of Field Operations
Mission to the World

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